WARNING: These codes involve editing game files. Do so at your own risk.
Get More Artifacts
Use notepad or a similar text editor and edit the file slot?.n in the game's \project nomads\run\save folder. use the slot?.n that is the one for your current game. change the line ".setmaxartefacts" to ".setmaxartefacts 6"
Save Game Editing
Just do it the old-fashioned way... use the console.
To do this, open the \Run\scripts\input.tcl with Notepad and go to about line 90.
There you'll find proc global_mappings and some keymappings following it.
Now to get the console working add the following line to the keymappings:
.map keyb0:f11.down "script:/sys/servers/console.toggle"
save the file and start Nomads as usual, now press your f11 key to toggle the console.
Here are some Commands that might be usefull, if u need more, take a look into commands.tcl :
picnic - gives you some basic equipment, 2 guntowers III, a biggun, a powerplant III, and some other artifacts
clanenergy - gives you a full charge of energy
switchviewers - toggles freelookmode
zeitlupe - toggles slowmotion (very slow)
killme - ...quess what this will do :)
newv x - spawns items/vehicles/others, you have to type the name of the object instead of the x
small list of things to spawn.:
(you may take further names from the \Run\data.n directory)
boosterartefact - jetpack
bomber01, bomber02, bomber03
spell1 ... spell20 - simply try them out
spellbomb - dynamite
stuka - nice lil airplane
j_guntower01 ... j_guntower03 - usefull turrets
j_powerplant03 - provides good energy
j_silo03 - that can be stored here
biggun - nice to blow things appart
(Submitted By: DarkScout) |